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Should I prune or remove a tree?
There are many situations in which a tree can be preserved and does not need to be removed. Common reasons homeowners want to remove a tree are: too much growth and overpowering the yard / too much shade; limbs growing too close / over house and other property obstacles; branches too low; dropping dead wood; tree looks diseased / unhealthy. In a lot of cases proper pruning of the tree can resolve many of these issues. If a tree is still healthy, our usual recommendation to clients is to try pruning it first to see how they like the results, and then if they still want to remove the tree then they can always do so in the future. Most people who were initially unsure are happy with the results of the pruning and happy that they are able to keep their tree. In the case of a tree possibly being diseased, we recommend consulting with a specialist who deals with disease diagnosis / treatment.
Can you give me a rough idea as to the cost to prune or remove a tree?
We do not give any "ballpark" figures without first assessing the tree because every situation is different. There are many factors that go into quoting a tree project, such as location of tree, surroundings, condition of the tree, etc. therefore we only provide quotes after assessing your project in person.
Will you trim branches from my neighbor's tree that are growing over into my property?
Only with the neighbor's direct conscent and utilizing proper pruning practices. Whenever a tree that belongs to a neighbor is involved, we always require that the neighbor has knowledge and given permission for us to perform the work and or access their property if necessary. We will only prune the tree using proper pruning practices that will not cause harm to the tree. We will NOT remove all the branches from top to bottom on your side nor will we top the tree. What we can do with the neighbor's knowledge of the work to be performed is properly prune and trim back specific braches growing over into your property to open the area up more and trim back branches growing too close to your home / other property structures.
Do you offer different pricing options for quotes?
Depending on the project, we do offer different pricing options such as no cleanup jobs and or leaving chips or firewood behind per your request. We will discuss these with you before providing a quote.